Archive d’étiquettes pour : Christopher

Christopher_The X factor

It has been some time since I wrote my last article and many subjects are piling up. They can wait while this one can’t. This afternoon I received a video which moved me tremendously: a former friend of my son found on the web after a terrible accident at 17 years old when he lost both legs. He deserves our likes!

Four years have gone by and 21 years old Christopher suddenly appears in the X Factor programme in Bulgaria. Christopher’s story made me think back to the recent training I gave to a group of 20 years old students at Polycom communication school about social media. We discussed the impacts of social media on many aspects of our lives as well as personal identity and e-reputation.

I write this article to help contribute to spreading Christopher’story. Let’s buzz his video on Youtube and maybe add positive impacts on his life. Just showing him we care and we respect both his courage and talent!

At 5.00 pm, when I received the video through Facebook, the video just hit less than 350 views (after 2 days posting). The buzz is now accelerating progressively.
At 11.30 pm as I am writing, it reaches already 1134 views.